Emily Purdon started her career in 2016. She quickly realized that her CFP® certification and financial planning degree through Virginia Tech hadn’t really prepared her for the realities of being a planner - and she felt that the comprehensive planning she learned at her role with SBSB (Sullivan Bruyette Speros & Blayney) was both exciting and beneficial to clients in a way she hadn’t imagine was possible.

Emily Purdon, CFP® started her career in 2016. She quickly realized that her CFP® certification and financial planning degree through Virginia Tech hadn’t fully prepared her for the realities of being a planner - and she felt that the comprehensive planning she learned at her role with SBSB (Sullivan Bruyette Speros & Blayney) was both exciting and beneficial to clients in a way she hadn’t imagine was possible. As a new planner, she learned that financial planning is so much more than different “silos” of planning - taxes, investing, and financial life planning. Everything starts to overlap, and no comprehensive plan is alike.

目前,艾米丽工作Sullivan Bruyette Speros&Blayney作为高级财务计划者。通过她作为金融计划者的第一年,她坠入福利的财务规划过程。在这一集中,她正在进入成为一个新的计划者的潜水,为什么她继续在这一职业中追求职业,以及她如何参与FPA居留权。艾米丽通过居住地发现了强大的支持网络,我们很兴奋,她分享了一点关于该计划如何帮助她继续推进职业生涯!



  • 艾米尔如何进入财务规划
  • 她对大学毕业后获得财务规划学位的期望是什么,以及她开始在SBSB工作时的现实是什么(以及她为什么更喜欢这份工作!)
  • 她的日常今天看起来像SBSB,其他新规划者可能能够期待他们的角色
  • 她如何涉及她在职业生涯中更年轻的事实 - 以及她是否觉得网络情况中的好处或缺点
  • 她如何写作和发表的财务规划文章 - 她如何将媒体视为建立金融规划者网络并帮助彼此成长
  • 为什么网络是如此重要,以及她在职业生涯开始时如何联网(在大学!)
  • 她如何参与FPA的居住计划